Monday, October 21, 2013

Mural Project

1. What theme could you use here at school to make your own mural that tells a unique Akins story? Be specific. Explain what subjects you will include in your mural.

well we can use art . we can just go to the fine arts building and they have a case where they have all kinds of are stuff on the walls.
2. Why is this theme worth devoting time  and effort to capture? Why would other students care about this theme?

expressing who you are in the public shows who you really re on the in side

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages to using a phone camera to do this project?

the advantages is changing the color and sharpness disadvantage is make is some out clear

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages to using an SLR camera to do this project?

having to take more quickly and most likely to come out more clearer than just changing the color

5. Should we use phones or SLR cameras for this project? Why?

i think we should use the slr cameras because not matter how many time we move on accident its most likely to to come out better and be brighter .

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