Monday, October 21, 2013

Africa Project

My reaction to the photo's we're excitement because i love animals and especially cheetah's and the giraffes . i like the cheetahs because they are pretty and the giraffes because they look cute and they're tall

This is my favorite because i like how the mom guards her little cubs and the baby cheetahs look so cute

Well this is another one of my favorites because they don't look fool grown they look like baby ones which make them even cuter

The rule he uses is balance because since its in black and white he houses the day time to capture the brightness for the photo but the animals fur is gray or black which makes the back ground look bright and focuses on the animals 

Nick Brandt

a.     What kind of camera did he use? Used a Pentax 67ll with only two fixed lens
b.     What is his reason for taking the photos? He likes showing that animals have a big state of being and he like to show they're emotion
c.     What is his hope by taking these types of photos? To him all animals and living creatures are beautiful and  he wanted to express that his photos.

"To me, every creature, human or nonhuman, has an equal right to live, and this feeling, this belief that every animal and I are equal, affects me every time I frame an animal in my camera. The photos are my elegy to these beautiful creatures, to this wrenchingly beautiful world that is steadily, tragically vanishing before our eyes."

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