Monday, January 5, 2015

Year in Photos: 2014

1. Label the type of photography it is. Examples: Street (Urban), Photojournalism, Landscape, Cityscape, Black and White, Portraits, Food, etc.

2. Explain Rules of Composition present in photo and provide written evidence.

3. Describe the lighting:
  • Light source or light sources?
  • Natural/Artificial/Mix? How do you know?
  • How did photographer enhance photo through use of light?
4. Explain what work photographer have to do to capture this image?                                                       ,,,,,,                                                                         

City Scape
Light Sources: Candles, Big light, City Lights
Natural,Because its not to over exposed and because you don't see he peoples much if is was Artificial 
He/She made the lighting come out more in the buildings
The Photographer had to get up high to capture the crowd and the buildings
Light Sources: Candles And sunset

Leading Lines
 Photographer uses natural like but also artificial because the trees the in back are lightened
The sun is the light source
i believe its artificial to brighten the water to show how clear the water is and to show the shadows of the boast
light source is the sun.
Rules of third
light source is the sun
artificial lightening because the corner is dark and the clouds have add blacks to show depth and the light from the city at the bottom. and how is shaded in the corner
like source is the sun
Artificial lighting because the colors really pop out 

Light source a big light i guess
Artificial some flowers are darkens to lead to the flowers on the wall

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