Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Photography Law info.

1. What is a model release? Why do you need one?
liability waiver, is a legal release typically signed by the model of a photograph giving permission to publish the photograph
2. Why should you keyword your photos?
So that the words can express the photo3. Why do you have to be careful about shooting images with band names or logos?
Because if th brand or anything in the photo and you don't  have permission you are not allowed to use the photo because the brand is in the image 
4. Why should you save space?

just in case like if you want to do a heading that you leave space so that when you are editing you don't cut off the subject
5. Why do designers like Royalty Free images?
the model marketing can always change at any minute  and Royalty Free there is no charge or anything if you want to make changes or something.
6. Why should designers be careful about using Royalty Free images?

Because everyone wants the best and theres not a lot of options and a lot of companies may use the same images .
7. What is an alternative to Royalty Free images?

if two companies have the same model or something they will come together and the photographer  can set up a package deal for cone of them and give more pictures .
8. In your words, what is the difference between Royalty Free and Rights Managed stock photography?

In rights managed you need a licenses for an image and the model and in royalty free the costumers can change the picture a little bit as in rights managed your limited to what you can do.
9. What is a legal issue that is covered in the FAQ that you never thought of before you read about it?
"Am I legally permitted to photograph strangers in public places? Are city and state parks considered public places?"  
10. Why is it an interesting legal issue to you?
  i always thought you had o ask permission before taking pictures anywhere. 

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